Working in a creative field obviously has its rewards, but like anything it can be stressful and tiring. Sometimes I feel like I should take a break but I don’t want to fall behind on this project or that deadline. Over time I have realized one thing:
Taking time off to recharge and relax is better than trying to work while tired.
On many occasions I have put off taking a break and continued to work. I got the projects done but the outcome was not as good as it could have been. Looking back the projects I am most proud of are the ones I did after taking time to relax. About a month ago I had the chance to go camping with my family at Cunningham Falls State Park in Thurmont, Maryland. The day we planned to leave it was raining and I was tempted not to go. My kids had been looking forward to camping for weeks so we thugged it out and went ahead. Even with the rain we had a good time and it is always good to unplug and spend some time away from a screen (laptop, phone, ipad etc.).
Here are a few pictures from the trip. Enjoy and remember to take a break.
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