This project has been exciting and one of the larger more involved projects we have undertaken.
“ALABAMA 200 is bringing something for citizens and visitors of all ages to share and explore as we celebrate our state’s bicentennial. From a history walk and folklife festival to travelling exhibitions and book signings, ALABAMA 200 is creating more fanfare than a history lesson and more lasting cultural significance than a fireworks show. Beginning in March 2017 in Mobile and St. Stephens and culminating in December 2019 in Huntsville, ALABAMA 200 includes all 67 counties and stretches from the Shoals to the shores and from the Capital city to the Rocket City.”
We were approched for this project to design/manage their web presence and create branding and marketing materials across the board. this included
- Rackcard Design
- Postcard design
- T-shirt design
- Various Print materials
- Web marketing graphics
- Illustration
- Photography
When they approached us they already had a log designed and some of the basic marketing things created but they wanted more. A brand.
We started with the vast resource of historical images and used them to tell stories with each piece. The are the focus and additional info was used as support elements. As more pieces were developed the brand evolved and came into it’s own telling the story of the people of Alabama, the famous sites, and the stories.
It’s an honer to be entrusted in this task.
Check them out here
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