Southern Worthersee Logo Design

  • sowo car show logo design
  • sowo car show logo design

Southern Worthersee Logo Design

Car Show Logo Design

The inspiration for Southern Wörthersee is to bring together cars and fans of these beloved marques in a truly authentic European atmosphere. The show grew from about a hundred attendees to 5,000 plus over the course of 9 years.  We were happy to be able to design a logo that a community grew to love (and tattoo in some cases).


The name of the show is Southern Wörthersee but was affectionately known as “Sowo”. We designed a symbol with clean lines and a clear purpose.  We incorporated the a classic feeling typeface and modified so that the letters are woven together in a such a way that allows the logo to still be readable. Car enthusiast all share an appreciation for fit in finish in their modified cars and we were happy to incorporate these same principles into the design. The logo is easy to read even at a distance and works as well in one color as it does in two colors.


Branding includes more than just a logo and we were happy to develop flyers, banners, apparel, etc. to create consistency across the brand. SoWo loved what we brought to the table and also asked us to photograph the event.

Services provided

  • Logo Design
  • Branding
  • Web Design
  • Product Design
  • Photography


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